Priest Of My Home 

For many years, I was your “good Christian.” People knew me as the nice guy from and with, a beautiful family. The surface was clean and shiny, but underneath was slathered with guilt, depression, deception and addiction.

I was far from being the spiritual leader of my home as I didn’t know my authority in Christ. I thought going to church and being a good guy was enough to get by and in my opinion, I could have won an Oscar. I had loving parents who were a great example. They inspired us to desire marriage and a family of our own, but because I learned differently, I believed a lie about myself. As an adult, I chose a stressful career, and found myself without the proper tools to cope with the stress. That along with feeling inadequate, alcohol became my go to. Being married and now a Father, I thought I was able to function without any issues, but that was another lie. I am grateful to God that I had a praying wife and family, and Jesus radically delivered me from alcohol and a new desire was birthed! The desire to Know Jesus as LORD! We found a new church where I got stretched. Every sermon made the hunger for all Jesus had for me grow. So when Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry was presented to me, I said “Yes!”

My biggest fear going through “The Gate,” was not exposure, I wanted exposure of the things that tormented me. I feared my flesh would sabotage my freedom by only divulging what I wanted my NG Facilitators to hear.

My Narrow Gate facilitators are real, relatable, men of God. Their confidence in the healing of their own stories made it easy to open up and share. They walked with me and helped me to attain my realized freedom that only the Holy Spirit could reveal.

My NG2NP experience in one phrase is REBIRTH! I am healed, free, whole, and brand new! I know why God loves me and who I am in Jesus. My ears are open and I hear the Holy Spirit clearly. I am seeking His guidance in EVERYTHING. He has called me to hear HIM. He is teaching me how to truly be the priest of my home.

The time spent I spent at the Fortress, appropriately named was truly something supernatural. It was my safe place for my spiritual healing.

Healing is what God ordered and paid for, and He delivered. This divine appointment was my road to redemption, It had to happen, order restored.

Death For Life

I walked into Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry with so much anxiety and fear. Within the first hour, all the fear and anxiety were arrested. They had no power over me because of the great peace that filled the room.

I believed that I was “less than” due to all the lies of the enemy. These lies manifested in me because I believed that I was not worthy of good things. However, I left NG2NP with the TRUTH, I am a pearl of great price! I AM loved unconditionally by my Heavenly Father!

I left the Fortress feeling so much peace and deeply loved! I also personally witnessed breakthrough for my mom who visited her mom’s grave site after almost 20 years of separation.

I had such a positive ministry experience. It provided me with revelation and insight. Truly amazing! I felt so loved and cared for by my Narrow Gate facilitators. They were direct and intentional and they were absolutely led by the Holy Spirit! They were encouraging and loving, while challenging me in gentle ways. I walked in with fear and walked out in complete peace. I received so much clarity and I definitely know the Holy Spirit was with me.

My NG2NP After- Care team was super consistent in sending me reminders of who I am now..providing me healthy reminders of my identity and value. They were always there to pray for me when I needed it.

A great exchange happened, death for life. I feel secure in who I am as a daughter of God. I am more aware today of the lies that once tried to trip me. Today I am stronger spiritually and I am more attracted to the Word of God.

If you want to encounter love on a deeper level in Christ, NG2NP ministry is for you!

Awareness Of God’s Presence

What an experience!

It could not be more true that Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry is not the end of a journey, but the beginning of one. I was freed from my desire to control and accepted the truth that it is God’s job to be in control of who comes in and out of my life. Almost immediately after my sessions ended, I was challenged to release/ let go of the man I had thought was going to be my husband. I thought I would have been a mess, but, there was so much freedom that I felt because I was obedient to God’s plan for my life.

I have more joy, more peace, and a greater desire to seek God than I ever have before. I have so much more awareness of God’s presence in the small, mundane things of life now that I walk in freedom from the bondage I once lived in.

My NG facilitators shared stories about their own lives that helped me through-out my entire NG2NP process. They received Words from the Spirit that were shared with me. They made me feel very comfortable to share anything the Lord put on my heart. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so clearly moving. NG2NP After-Care has kept me accountable as I choose to renew my mind into continued growth after my Narrow Gate sessions.

I highly recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. It is a true encounter with the Lord where you work to heal the wounds and counter the lies the enemy encourages us to believe.

It is not the end of your journey, but the beginning of a life of freedom with Christ.

Thank YOU Jesus!!

He Showed Me How He Sees Me

My overall ministry experience was very enlightening and empowering!

Holy Spirit quieted my mind and delivered me from the chaos.

I appreciated that we started with Holy Communion, allowing Holy Spirit to hone- in on the areas needing attention, confession, healing, realization, discussion, and understanding.  There was no need, in my case, to revisit every traumatic life event. He shone His divine light into my soul and pulled me out of some dark hidden places locked within my memory. Subtle mistruths that were pressed down and created lifelong lies, were rooted out and shredded! Delivered me from spirit of insecurity.

The Lord was gracious and did not lead us to each trauma specifically but rather allowed for deliverance without each event's details. Holy Spirit led us to areas where I learned from my facilitators the significance of, and how to ask for and give and receive forgiveness and close the door to the enemy.

I was given 2 prophetic interpretations. First to position myself to "drink" the Holy Spirit water. Second, a prophetic vision that gave my new prophetic character and likeness.

I received healing ministry in areas of forgiveness, identity, birth assignments, closing doors, fear, and rooting out generational curses. I with my Facilitators and Holy Spirit, removed blockages, and spoke out words of Gods promises and goodness. Changing my perception of self. 

I recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path ministry to everyone who feels they have a blockage or need deep healing. NG2NP is soaked in Holy Spirit guidance where no stone is left unturned.

The purpose to remove all stain has been achieved! No blocks, no wondering which of Gods promises are for me and totally wiped out all the enemy footholds in areas not previously recollected or considered. We are all God’s Chosen Ones and ALL of His promises are for each and every one of us. He does not pick and choose.  He reminded me that I belong to Christ and am part of His family.

I learned how I viewed myself and how my thinking was fractured. He showed me how He sees me instead. He showered me with gentleness through Holy Spirit and my NG facilitators.. 

He brought words to me to reveal my new true identity and reflected my character of HIM to me, and revealed to me that there is purpose for my life. 

Holy Spirit gave me a new name! Hallelujah!!!!!


Walked Away

God has led me here for this!

He has not only told me that but, after completing Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry, I completely understand why this was His plan for me, and, it couldn’t have come at a better time. NG2NP has given me the guidence and assisted me in breaking so many chains and bondage that will shift things in my bloodline for generations to come.

Since Narrow Gate I truly have seen a shift in who I am. These have shown up differently in me as a mom and in my other relationships. I have walked away from fear, anxiety and health issues for the first time ever! I finally believe I HAVE BEEN SET FREE! I am so excited to see what’s next and what God has planned for me and my children. I have learned that I can have more joy and that it’s ok to give everything to God and best of all I feel free!!

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry was life changing. It has helped me over-come so much and has also strengthened my relationship with the Lord. It was a lot of work, BUT sooo worth it! I learned a lot about myself, why and how the things I’ve experienced in life have affected me. I felt loved and supported in my sessions by my facilitators.

I am so thankful for my Narrow Gate facilitators, After-Care team and most of all, for the love of Jesus that I can finally embrace! God is definitely using this ministry to help guide others to freedom. I feel blessed to have found this ministry.

A Liberating Experience

As I sit here writing this, I’m trying very hard not to cry. Not because I’m sad but because of the peace and joy it brings to my heart, soul, and spirit when I think about my NG2NP journey.

Going through “the Gate” has been the most liberating experience of my life. I never realized how much abandonment surrounded my life until going through Narrow Gate. Seeing how far back generationally it was embedded in my family and how badly it infected my relationships. I’ve always considered myself a pretty open book, but I never realized the walls I had put up to protect myself. I had been living my entire life in survival mode. Always waiting for the carpet to be ripped out from under me so to speak. So much so, it has kept me very closed off for so much of my life. Never thinking I was good enough or worthy of love. Boy did Holy Spirit come in and show me how absolutely wrong I was. I have never felt such an enormous weight lifted off of my being, like a hundred elephants just stepped off my body. To feel so free, it’s like I’m floating on air.

Now I realize how loved and adored I am by my Heavenly Father. Honestly believing I’m worthy, wanted and valued, no longer blaming myself for situations that were out of my control.

Today, I’m allowing God to come and completely take over. JUST WOW!! I’ve never known love like this and it’s so beautiful! I will be forever grateful to “the Gate” and all the wonderful people involved for my full freedom. What they do through the Holy Spirit’s guidance is nothing short of miraculous. My NG2NP facilitators handled everything with so much love and care, really allowing the Holy Spirit to flow and reveal all the areas in my life that needed healing to help me be fully set free from things that left me bound. My Narrow Gate After-Care team has helped keep me accountable in renewing my mind, and in feeling treasured, loved and cared about by them and the Lord.

We really don’t realize how bound we are by our own junk and generational garbage until the wight is completely lifted. I AM BLESSED, LOVED AND HIGHLY FAVORED!!! Thank You LORD JESUS!!

Protected And Kept

The Lord led me to “the Gate,” after a year of attempting healing on my own. I had some breakthrough, but I sensed I still had blockages that were preventing me from walking fully with God.

My Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry facilitators were wonderful and made me feel very comfortable in sharing some deeply personal traumas. There was no judgement or condemnation here; but a team that truly works in the power of the Holy Spirit.

What I have learned is, I have been picking at the fruit, not getting to the deep rooted issues that have passed down the line for generations. I can now, look back on my life and instead of seeing all the bad things that happened to me and in me, I see the ways God has protected and kept me safe.

Something heavy on my heart before going through “the Gate,” was I truly didn’t love people. I loved my family, but it was more transactional; there was still deep hurt preventing me from opening my heart. If anyone says “I love God “ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. This verse in 1 John 4:20, stuck with me. I KNEW I loved God; I loved Him more than anything, so why didn’t I love His creation? His people? After my NG2NP Ministry sessions, I see people differently. Now I see them as Jesus does, needing love and compassion.

The dynamic in my family has DRASTICALLY changed. I have more patience. I can stop when there is a need and truly see them. The healing I have received is over flowing to them and I see them walking this out day by day. My relationship with my spouse is also improving daily, before we were but “roommates,” and now we are spending more quality time together.

The slow trickle of the Holy Spirit has turned into a flowing stream. The world is differnt. God has given me a great gift of healing, and I look forward to the next season and all He has in store.

Another BIG change is experiencing JOY! Prior to my Narrow Gate sessions, I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve experienced joy in my life. Since completing NG2NP, I have experienced joy in my everyday life in so many places.. clouds, birds, laughter. There is SO MUCH JOY in the world and I can now experience joy in the way HE wants for me.

My life has changed drastically. I thank everyone at Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry for their prayers and guidance.

God truly has His hand over this ministry.

This is Truly Freedom

My childhood was “normal” filled with Jesus, family and love. I had an amazing relationship with my earthly father, which gifted me the ability to always know God as my very loving Heavenly Father. Thankfully, I never experienced any trauma or some great sin that shamed me, so I never thought a ministry like Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path was for me.

About 5 years ago, I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, realizing this life was not about me at all, and I truly made Him Lord over my life. At the same time I began to learn who Holy Spirit was in me. I began to read my Bible differently. I also listened to spirit-filled teaching as often as possible while being a wife and raising children. I found a local church that taught me how to listen to God’s voice and that there was something available called inner healing that was for everyone! A hunger for everything God had for me began to grow, and then I was presented with the opportunity of NG2NP. I said yes in full surrender. I had no idea what I would experience or get out of it, but if it meant more of God and less of me, I WAS IN!!

The best way to explain my experience is as if since birth, I had these invisible “puppets strings” attached to me that were slowly exposed throughout my life. Each time I found one, and was willing to give it up, Jesus would cut that string. Through Narrow Gate, so many strings were exposed and the length of them was the most shocking! I could see the strings went back many generations and they were not manipulated by people but by the spirits trying to keep me from God’s original plan for my life. Once they were exposed, I was able to give it up completely and Jesus SEVERED EVERY STRING!

I remember looking in the mirror towards the end of my session and I didn’t see my father or my mother, but I saw ME for the first time and I could clearly see Jesus IN ME! I am not unrecognizable, I am who I was always meant to be.

I feel lighter, brighter. I am renewed because of what Jesus did for me. Those strings were cut off my children as well!

THIS IS FREEDOM and JESUS is truly my Savior. You are worth EVERYTHING God has for you, no matter your past. On the other side of “the Gate,” you will learn how much God really loves you and ALL that He wants for you!

Needed Reset

I went to NG2NP as a mature believer, but on the heels of several years of significant trauma, heartbreak, and spiritual warfare. On the first day, God revealed some seeds of disappointment with Him that still remained. That night, after listening to one of the videos, God brought some revelation in the area of bitterness and judgment; and revealed the place in my childhood where these both took root, and the impact it has had in my life. The second day, those issues were the very topics of discussion. He never misses the mark. It is the little foxes that can spoil the vine. To those who are continually seeking Him and a life lived for Him, He is absolutely faithful to reveal what is needed in each season. While I would certainly recommend NG2NP to all new believers, I would recommend it even more so to those who are mature believers and have gone through a season of trauma or spiritual warfare. It was a needed reset on even how I was beginning to wrongly perceive myself in the midst of all the trauma; and recognizing a deeper level that is needed in receiving love from Him. God always moves in our humility as we recognize our need for others in Christ to come alongside us in a way that helps reveal hindrances in our upward progression in Christ. Perhaps some of you have read the testimonies and are seeking a great “experience,” and while I pray you do encounter God in a mighty way, the “experience” is always the revelation of Jesus & His Truth/Word/Spirit; that is the experience that I seek after, to know Him more, and for anything standing in the way of that, and my freedom in Him, to be exposed and removed. I am very thankful for these wonderful, godly, patient, and loving women of God, and bless this ministry. 


He Never Left Me

My childhood was a common place for abandonment.

Father figures, family members, homes, schools and peers changed frequently, without warning, without processing, absent of any healing and sadly without God.    I was reintroduced to the Lord in 2016 when He showed me His splendor, majesty and magnificence in a way only He can do.  I was smitten by His mysterious ways and next to my salvation, the miracle of miracles was that I could be close to Him, walk with Him, talk with Him and I could feel His pleasure in spending time with ME and I didn’t have to wait for heaven to do it!  I was on fire and was hungry, very hungry for more. Everyday was an exciting adventure with God and He was changing me every day from the inside out.

2 years later I was blindsided by divorce without warning.  Change, confusion, stress, anxiety and anger knocked loudly at the door driven and fueled by the evil defeated foe. The accuser/loser hissed words of rejection, worthlessness, doubt, shame and guilt along with the other lies in his arsenal. These were the same lies I had not healed from in childhood now in my face again only this time more vehement and overwhelming. I felt weighted and worried I was going to repeat this cycle for my precious children (father figures, family members, homes, schools and peers) with all the sudden change and disruption. 

 Once my head reached above the water and the new life, I pridefully credited myself with creating settled in, I noticed an emptiness and sought the Lord. Why do I struggle talking with you Lord?  Why do I not feel you next to me?  Where did the adventure and adoration of learning about you go?  Have you abandoned me too? I was trying to connect, but there was a block.  That is when a friend from church sent me a video link for NG2NP.  I almost didn’t watch it all before I inquired on the NG2NP website because Holy Spirit was doing back handsprings inside of my belly saying “Yes, yes, yes”.  The last time He showcased those types of acrobatics within me was years earlier when I asked Him if I could call him “Abba”!  I knew NG2NP is where He wanted me to go.

 I thought I had forgiven the people, circumstances and words that had wounded me, but it turns out unforgiveness, bitterness and judgement was a huge part of my block and restraint in finding intimacy with the Lord again. The facilitators at NG2NP walked me through the process of exercising forgiveness and equipped me with the tools to continue along my path. It wasn’t long before I was forgiving people that I had forgotten about from 30 years ago. Where did you come from? The team yielded to Holy Spirit and gave me words of knowledge that only He could know. I knew in that moment that He never left me! He kept His promise to be my Jehovah Jireh through it all and provided me with a great career, a beautiful home, a Christian school for my children and a stronger bond with family than I could have imagined. I had nothing to do with any of it accept being the unknowing recipient of His empowering GRACE! He kept His covenant His covenant and was the perfect Bridegroom, I was the unfaithful bride.  This revelation made my mouth drop and when it finally closed, I got a huge bite of humble pie.  I had one more person to forgive….myself.

 Since going through “The Gate”, the Lord has reminded me to continually forgive. It is easy to look around at the world with blatant sin running rampant and hold resentment and judgement towards the flesh and blood committing it.  I am reminded to forgive those that trespass against me as well as those who trespass against God.  I am to forgive them because “they don’t know” and pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened just as He mercifully and graciously opened mine. My aftercare sister is great!  I have a Samson sized hug for her when I meet her face to face.  She checks in on me throughout the day, encourages me, listens to me and reminds me to do my affirmations.   I know she and the rest of the team pray for me as well, which is so supportive and reassuring. 

NG2NP helped me to allow Holy Spirit to do a deep cleansing of my soul and understand the patterns assigned to block my intimacy with my Abba.  They also equipped me with the tools needed to stand my ground in this race.  Going through this experience opened my heart and allowed the Lord to turn my wounds into scars.  Scars are a reminder of healing from a battle.  They do not hurt unless they are reopened. When I am reminded of the scars, I know the victory of my battle belongs to God.  I now know my true identity, who I am, whose I am and what He says about me.  He has captured my tears, knows how many hairs are on my head and has thought about me more than all the grains of sand.  I am a daughter of the Most High King!  With truth in my heart and His Word on my lips, all I must do is straighten up my crown and press forward with my head high.  For His glory and for His Kingdom!!

 ~His Favorite

His Presence Touched Me 

When you are stuck, you know it.

In my case I was finding it hard to make decisions about even the littlest things. I found myself sleeping more than usual and more than I needed. I would eat more and
I felt weighed down, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It was difficult for me to choose to do the chores for my own welfare and my business.  The saddest thing was that my intimate prayer time with my Heavenly Father definitely seemed suspended. I wanted to love Him and hear His voice, but constantly found myself distracted.

Meeting at "the Fortress" with the Narrow Gate team was like meeting he Lord and with Jesus and the Holy Spirit they lovingly poured over every page of my life with acceptance, awareness and love.  I got to see for the first time the interference affecting my life beginning with how life patterns affected my Mother and Father's lives. Forgiveness of debts that I thought I was owed in relationships, time and attention were released.

The Spirit, so strong, yet gently touched me from head to toe. I felt this in my gut area first. As I leaned into the touch, I became aware of His Touch going through my stomach and into my lower intestines, even my appendix (which we generally believe has no real value) was touched. To Him everything He makes has value.

Then The Spirit moved to the right side of my body, which triggered a remembrance of the Old Testament warriors when they conquered enemy leaders they smite them on their right side with many gruesome removals. ( I had been experiencing pain in my right hand and foot and neck) As I lingered there I became aware of healing there that would result in restoration of my authority, spiritually speaking. He showed me the nero-receptors in my brain being changed to facilitate the lengths of my new-found healing. My back was straightened, which I knew would cause me to walk differently in the natural and spiritually.

A flutter in my stomach like a butterfly feeling of new life in the womb caused me to hear the name that He chose for a baby that I lost. The name He chose "Uriah" means "Yawyeh is my Light” How perfect. He is a God of complete restoration.

He made it clear to me that even my facial expression would be different as the results of His freedom permeated my entire being. Lastly, in this amazing time where His presence touched me, it seemed like a moment, but it actually lasted almost an hour, He placed a robe of righteousness on me and told me of His love for me. I knew the team was there with me in the room, but I felt like I was alone in the presence of The Lord.

Through this loving and thorough process a mighty work was accomplished. I am grateful for the serious attention to detail, thorough process and yielded prayers before, during and after that make the finished work of the Lord effectual and very real. It is a  finished work. Thank you, Father.

Follow your heart when seeking the Lord to all His amazing available Help. Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path has made a huge impact on me and I expect the effects will be revealed even more as the days and months go by.

Standing My Ground

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry felt like a two day crash course of my entire life.

I was able to understand some important parts of my life, especially in my relationships. I’ve learned how to be loving, impactful and how to pray for those around me. I also learned more about my authority and how to walk in it more than I ever have. Most importantly, I have RECOGNIZED MY AUTHORITY in Christ, and now I am able to STAND MY GROUND against fear which had tormented me greatly in the last year. Now, I speak the Word of God over that temptation and I remind myself that I HAVE BEEN washed clean. I remind myself that my Heavenly Father wants me to have a life on earth as He originally intended just like Adam and Eve, had in the Garden of Eden. Sickness free, stress free, pain free and FEAR FREE! To be in constant communion with my Father, stopping thoughts of fear right where it starts, taking my authority in Jesus Christ and STANDING MY GROUND.

My walk after NG2NP is a woman with more mercy and grace. I can feel that my thoughts are much more caring for others. My relationship with Holy Spirit has grown as well, it’s much more intimate and I find I have a greater hunger for God’s Word. I also see a new boldness in me to pray for others.

My Narrow Gate facilitators made me feel welcomed and comfortable. At first nervous, I quickly settled in and felt the presence of Holy Spirit in the room which instantly brought calmness in me. I felt safe, peace, and joy. My NG2NP After Care team helps me daily renewing my mind and they will pray with me, reminding me of my truths in Jesus.

If you want a deep cleaning of your soul, I highly, highly recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. NG2NP is for a person who wants to walk more closely with Jesus. It is for the one who is willing to dig deep within themselves taking responsibility resulting in a complete start over spiritually.

I Met Him In The Garden

I knew there were things in my life, my heart and my soul that needed to be removed in order for me to walk the free and fruitful life God intended me to live. NG2NP ministry was exactly what I needed. Even when I had made the decision to do it, the enemy stood in the way for a few months.

From the very moment I started my sessions, the Holy Spirit showed me He was there to set me free and pour His, the Father’s love, on my heart. I discovered how so many lies were embedded in me. I saw how Jesus would uncover each one, take it out and heal my heart. Memories came up with details so I was able to heal from each through forgiveness and renouncing and be filled with the unconditional love of my Father.

My NG facilitators were such a blessing to me. Throughout my sessions, their attentiveness, guidance, and encouragement were amazing. In every portion of my sessions I felt support, love, patience and acknowledgement as the Holy Spirit prophetically spoke to them to guide me into God’s truth and His desire for me.

I feel so liberated, empowered, strengthened and loved, that there are no words to express my gratitude to the Holy Spirit and the entire Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path team.

Narrow Gate After-Care has been a game changer in establishing the truth of God in my heart and getting me on the path of seeking more of Him and diving into the Word with so much hunger! I have a new fresh perspective in many areas of my life that were stuck and empty.

Thank you for this amazing, life-changing experience that has set me on a new and wonderful path with my Lord!

I expected to be set free and healed in my heart through my Narrow Gate experience, however, it was above and beyond my expectations. The Holy Spirit showered me with His love, and the divine healing of my heart. I have been set free from lies and bondages embedded in me that I wasn’t even aware of.

Today, I hear the word “calling me” more to dive in, meditate on, and not rush through it but, to treasure it in my heart…I am in tune with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

I thank God for this ministry, I am forever grateful for this amazing freedom I have now in Christ!!

When someone asks me about my Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry journey, I will say, “just yield to the Holy Spirit, let Him heal your heart.. meet Him in the Garden!!”

Comfort And Blessing  

I prayed first before making my commitment to Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. I had a feeling the Lord was saying to me “yes, you need this!”

As I arrived at the Fortress, I felt great peace. My session began and I was asked to read a prayer. Immediately uncontrollable tears began to flow. The release of all I had been holding deeply inside since childhood, from very dark times in my life began to be released. Going through emotions through prayer, I began to see through visions all the rooted lies, and shameful experiences, and it ALL came off of me. Speaking and renouncing, dark is now replaced by light which is now my new identity. Confirmation through visions, and scriptures interjected through out my NG2NP sessions.


My Narrow Gate facilitators were there to navigate me through the whole experience led by the Holy Spirit. They were very focused and spirit-led as they patiently assisted me in confronting things I hadn’t ever confessed. There were times when I couldn’t speak out and renounce my pain from my past issues and lies, but together we came to the truth of God’s Word for me. Visions of comfort and blessing over took my sessions and the Holy Spirit no doubt was there to walk along side as we weathered the storm. In the end tears freely flowed because I know…God has been with me the whole time.. from the beginning, He has always loved me, and He has always had a plan for my life.

My NG2NP After-Care team keep me encouraged and help me to not ever give up and feel safe to ask for prayer when I need it. I truly feel grounded, peaceful, loved, and full of the Spirit of God. I’m determined to live my life for all Christ has done for me.

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry is AMAZING. It also was exactly what I needed to do to be completely free. I know God led me to be open and repentant. I needed to expose the darkness and to cut off soul ties of all kinds. I absolutely believe Holy Spirit has cleared my path to walk in power with all Kingdom Authority. Today I shine brighter, I am free and I will share the Good News of the Gospel and my testimony because He, Jesus shines through me. I am an atmosphere changer and I will SAY IT LIKE I MEAN IT.

Wild Love

It was a spiritual fight for me to get to Narrow Gate.

The enemy did not want me free. My flesh did not want to be free, it wanted to hold on to the “familiar.” My spirit knew that the right way was to move forward towards the future, fully consecrated to God, the unknown.

Like the loving Father God is, He lovingly led me to & through “the Gate” and I am no longer the same. He spoke to me through Psalms 45:10-11 “ Now listen daughter, pay attention, and forget about your past. Put behind you every attachment to the familiar, even those who were once close to you, for your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness. Bow in reverence before Him, for He is your Lord!”

During my NG2NP sessions I literally felt something that had been tied to me become loosed. I believe it was years of the “familiar,” familiar spirits - every dysfunction, every curse & evil stronghold that was keeping me from stepping into the future God had planned for me since the beginning of time. My Narrow Gate facilitators were easily relatable, they made me feel at ease from the beginning. They molded transparency & vulnerability which helped me to feel comfortable with the process. Narrow Gate is an excellent ministry. I have never felt more loved before. God’s presence was so tangible and strong, I felt light as a feather after the completion of my sessions. My NG2NP After-Care facilitators have been great in gently reminding me to say my affirmations. They have been so vital in deepening my beliefs and true identity that were established in my sessions.

I am now FREE. Free from rage, insecurity, low self-esteem, & unholy soul-ties. I FEEL free, light as a feather and ready to step into my unknown adventure thatGod has predestined for me.

I would absolutely recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. There are experiences we all go through in our lives that have a hold on us and weigh us down preventing us from walking in the freedom needed to carry out the plan God has for us. NG2NP helps break the ties to our past hurts and helps us to experience His full freedom through the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Surgery

Peace that passes understanding….

I have always prayed for the Lord’s peace over me and in me, but it never seemed to be there. I was ready for the Holy Spirit to do spiritual surgery. He tugged at my heart to go through “the Gate.”

My facilitators were so compassionate. They created a safe environment so that the Holy Spirit could take over and HE DID! I felt peace from the beginning to the end of my sessions. Generational sins and people that I had not forgiven were affecting my relationship with the Lord. I was set free from the curses spoken over my life since I was in my Mother’s womb. It was as if a cleansing or purifying took place and God’s peace filled me. I came thirsty for His living water.

My NG2NP After -Care facilitators provide such an important service as they keep me accountable as I continue in my 40 days with my affirmations, and BEYOND! I will continue with my True Identity and Godly Beliefs as part of my quiet time with The Lord!

I believe I have shifted to my next level in Christ. The Word is more alive in my heart. More PEACE and more Clarity! I literally hear the voice of my Heavenly Father louder than before!

My new passion after my NG2NP experience is to see more believers go through “The Gate!” My overall experience was excellent, my whole countenance has changed. I am walking in peace and joy because of Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry!!! Thank YOU Jesus! I recommend NG2NP to all who want to get to the next level with God. Go through the Gate, you will never be the same.

I Want The New

Like many, if not most, men I was skeptical about participating the NG2NP inner healing process thinking that that’s for women and all their touchy-feely stuff- oh boo-hoo.

After all I know things; I have advanced degrees in mental health and a Ph.D. in psychology! I’m fine just the way I am. And I have had a lot of therapy. So there! Man, Was I wrong!

For the most part I was a very happy guy. I have a great wife and marriage. My life is exciting and fulfilling. However, there was something that just wasn’t right. So, I began asking myself some questions: Why do I feel fearful? Why do other people’s behaviors or comments trigger an angry response within me? Why do bad memories from long ago keep appearing in my dreams? Why can’t I relax? Even though I believed that I dealt with everything from the past, something wasn’t right. I couldn’t figure it out.I strongly believe in letting go of stuff from the past such as childhood trauma;

I thought the past is the past; let it go! I’m Good. But obviously there were things from the past that wouldn’t let go of me as evidenced by recurring disturbing dreams, guilt and remorse and events long ago that in my mind, had been completely resolved.

Then a short time later I came across 2 COR 5:17: “…therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come.” Okay God! Where’s the new? I want the new! All of it! So, with that realization and numerous coffee talks with my wife about what I was dealing with, she suggested, again, that I consider NG2NP. The good news, no, the GREAT news is I took my wife’s suggestion, talked with the facilitators,and made a reservation.

A few weeks later it was my time to go. I went with excitement, anticipation, and the expectation that I would finally get answers and resolution and most importantly be able to leave my history behind me and fully step into my destiny. The weekend experience exceeded my expectations. It was unlike any therapy sessions I’d ever had. In fact, it wasn’t therapy at all. It was a spiritual encounter with God facilitated by two humble and anointed servants who were led by the Holy Spirit where I discovered the few remaining broken pieces of me.

It’s been about two weeks since that amazing weekend. Here’s my brief summary of then and now: My issue with fear is essentially gone. Fear is not biblical. I now understand how the enemy was using fear against me. No more fear. I’m free in Jesus. I’m learning how to relax. The enemy has kept me distracted with busyness. No more restlessness. I’m content to rest with Jesus. During the weekend I remembered a long-forgotten church hurt and resentment caused by my pastor that happened to me years ago when I was age 18. No more resentment.

Forgiven and Freedom. Boo Hooing is healthy. Healing comes with the tears. “Jesus wept.”-John 11:35

There’s much more than space permits. Deciding to go to the NG2NP weekend was a phenomenal life changing experience full of revelation, healing, and gave me the rest of the “new” that I was seeking in COR 5:17.


Before going through Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry I was struggling to understand who Christ was in me and what it really meant to have the joy of the Lord in my life. I would worship in sorrow, always remembering my past sin. Continuing to come to church, before the Lord, with all the weight of my guilt, shame, rebellion, and anger. I would pour it all out at the altar and leave with it, again and again. I knew I needed more, but felt I needed to “do” more to purchase my forgiveness. I felt condemned. I didn’t know what to do but follow the patterns I experienced growing up. Thoughts of death plagued me. Medications to numb my pain, I couldn’t escape the depression I felt. My identity was lost in lies.

Through my NG2NP experience, I was finally able to actually see where I had placed my identity. I believed and followed right along with generational patterns and behaviors of double mindedness and anger. As I began to pray and confess with my mouth exactly what the Word of God says about who I am, I absolutely began to feel delivered. Delivered from the years of guilt and shame I carried.

After my Narrow Gate sessions, my mind for the first time, stop racing. I am finally living in the present. My prayers are consistent and form a weapon. No longer in the form of begging and crying. Amazingly, reading my bible actually makes sense and has a new clarity. Recently I was able to confront my past with a sound mind and peace. Now freedom in Christ is my stance. My worship has changed as well, from mourning to dancing and my sorrow to pure joy at my identity in Christ.

I love this ministry! I find it very important for those who are honestly trying to break free from the bondages of sin and death from the past. Those who are desperate to find their purpose in Him. I pray over this ministry and its ministers and I hope to one day become part of it so we can help others to overcome all the lies, so we all can step into our calling in Jesus Christ.

Arriving at “The Fortress,” I was greeted at the door and I instantly felt like I was home. My NG2NP team is so welcoming and I felt the anointing of God from beginning to end. My NG2NP ministry team humbly testified and gave praises to God for all He has done and that made me feel comfortable so I could open up to the leading of the Holy Spirit.My NG2NP After-Care has been life changing. Through texts, I receive scriptures and reminders for my affirmations and renewal of my mind. The last 3 all aligned with exactly what Holy Spirit was saying to me or a dream I had just had. Powerful! I KNOW there is unity in the Spirit of God.

I highly recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry to anyone like me who needs to break free from lies, false identity, deception and all that comes from the enemy about who Jesus is, the price He paid for us, and who we are in Him. NG2NP is the perfect place to get rid of the garbage of the past and step into their new found freedom in Christ!